1 monthly wage file upload, if there are some staff in violation of the 12 warning and need to clarify, then these people are included in the WPS system of the Ministry of labor in the number of people, whether included in the proportion of 90%?
2. 90% ratio refers to the proportion of the total number of people receiving WPS system to accept the staff, or the proportion of the total number of the company's total number of upload? The
3. 90% ratio includes only Wages or both?
4. if we are part of the Ministry of labor service platform for electronic services were shut down, we immediately upload the number of WPS reached 90%, when the service will be shut down open?
5.If the labor department's electronic service platform has been shut down, how do we upload the payroll? WPS
6. to clarify the way, is in the labor department electronic service platform to clarify you can still need to go to the labor office to clarify?
7. 50% two questions? WPS
8. system mentioned in the data can be received to verify the report of the mailbox which refers to the mailbox?