We change the world instead!!!? the? How to change SATA settings? Links themselves are not able to change SATA settings, how to change the world??? This said there is little arrogant!!! Very funny!!!! Connects your fault do not know still Ze blame their wives, how sad. ... In love with Ying this bread story you still do not understand it! Also difficult to blame his wife Qi run, now you link love and bread are not master their own Self-criticism about it, not ze blame his wife, still made a real big CUO Wu ... ... Wife private Yin how can come when Street 講???? Sell clothes what so hard has been a Ting, was one US dollar, and do you know any? of?? Woman inside like you don't understand still 講 when Street, FB, you know how many people are watching, how many people laughing do you??? You Xie is worth reading your very childish, like a little kid ... .... Read please don't by 贊!!