Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:
Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.
Efficacy: Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:
Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.
Efficacy: can lock more than 500 times its own water, deep moisturizing, advanced moisturizing ingredients Phytosome, long-acting
Lock water moisturizing, firming, after sun repair, anti - aging, sunscreen is not greasy.
Usage: just washing the face, the skin is still moist, take proper amount of the product evenly on face to help absorb the light
, also available instruments import.
Specifications: 10ml
The effective period; 18 months of pure natural skin care products cold preservation
商品名稱: 100%玻尿酸原液
品 牌: lotusjixuan
功 效: 能锁住大于自身500倍水分,深度保湿,去皱的高级保湿成分,长效锁
用 法: 刚洗完脸,肌肤尚湿润时,取适量本品均匀抹于面部轻按帮助吸收,也
商品規格: 10ml
保質期限: 18月 具體日期以收到的實物為准 冷藏保存使用
適合人群: 通用肌膚、快速潤澤
特別說明: lotusjixuan玻尿酸極效深層保濕,是純天然护肤產品,放心使用。
Hongkong Jishi Ua International Group Limited
Shenzhen Ji Changjin Industrial Co., Ltd.
Joint research and development production
Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.Efficacy: Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.Efficacy: can lock more than 500 times its own water, deep moisturizing, advanced moisturizing ingredients Phytosome, long-actingLock water moisturizing, firming, after sun repair, anti - aging, sunscreen is not greasy.Usage: just washing the face, the skin is still moist, take proper amount of the product evenly on face to help absorb the light, also available instruments import.Specifications: 10mlThe effective period; 18 months of pure natural skin care products cold preservation商品名稱: 100%玻尿酸原液品 牌: lotusjixuan功 效: 能鎖住大於自身500倍水分,深度保濕,去皺的高級保濕成分,長效鎖 水保濕,提拉緊致,曬後修復,抗衰老,防曬不油膩。 用 法: 剛洗完臉,肌膚尚濕潤時,取適量本品均勻抹于面部輕按説明吸收,也 可用儀器導入。商品規格: 10ml保質期限: 18月 具體日期以收到的實物為准 冷藏保存使用適合人群: 通用肌膚、快速潤澤特別說明: lotusjixuan玻尿酸極效深層保濕,是純天然護膚產品,放心使用。Hongkong Jishi Ua International Group LimitedShenzhen Ji Changjin Industrial Co., Ltd.Joint research and development production香港姬氏國際集團有限公司深圳姬長金實業有限公司 聯合研發出品

Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:
Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.
Efficacy: Lotusjixuan 100% hyaluronic acid:
Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, deionized water, sodium hyaluronate.
Efficacy: can lock more than 500 times its own water, deep moisturizing , advanced moisturizing ingredients Phytosome, long-acting
Lock water moisturizing, firming, after sun repair, anti - aging, sunscreen is not greasy.
Usage: just washing the face, the skin is still moist, take proper amount of the product evenly on face to help absorb the light
, also available instruments import.
Specifications: 10ml
The effective period; 18 months of pure natural skin care products cold preservation 商品名稱: 100%玻尿酸原液品牌: lotusjixuan 功效:能鎖住大於自身500倍水分,深度保濕,去皺的高級保濕成分,長效鎖水保濕,提拉緊緻,曬後修復,抗衰老,防曬不油膩。用法:剛洗完臉,肌膚尚濕潤時,取適量本品均勻抹於面部輕按幫助吸收,也可用儀器導入。商品規格: 10ml 保質期限: 18月具體日期以收到的實物為準冷藏保存使用適合人群:通用肌膚、快速潤澤特別說明: lotusjixuan玻尿酸極效深層保濕,是純天然護膚產品,放心使用。Hongkong Jishi Ua International Group Limited Shenzhen Ji Changjin Industrial Co., Ltd. Joint research and development production 香港姬氏國際集團有限公司深圳姬長金實業有限公司聯合研發出品