The use of official vehiclesA vehicle, deployed by the administrative responsibility, vehicle maintenance inspection by the general assigned. Where a vehicle to pay fees,Inspection, insurance, business and change according to the data, the general responsible for the custody and, when necessary, to assist other unitsTreatment.Two, the use of small business vehicles to go out regardless of official or private use, will be required to complete the official car use registration control table behindCan leave.Three, the official use of the check with the head of the signature to send a car, oil costs borne by the company.Four, private use is not required to send a single car, oil costs borne by the use of people.Five, whether public or private use, go out to need temporary refueling, you need to get the gas receipt to the cashier to write off the charges.Six, both public and private use, such as vehicles were damaged or hurt any responsible for driving the vehicle driving. Related costs from insuranceInsurance payments, the shortfall is the difference between the burden on their own.Seven, general units daily need to check the "official car use registration control table whether log mileage and the actual use of the mileageIn line with the official users are required to check whether there is a single car, send a single content and the official car use registration control table is consistent,And send a car on the list with no security personnel to check the signature.Eight, whether public or private use, security personnel need to fill in the "Registration Form for the use of official vehicles," and to the use of signature confirmationRear release.Nine, the general unit check, where private use to the cashier monthly use charge fees related to oil.Ten, vehicle use process:1 official use of the use of the first person to fill in the "send a single" column and by the competent signature, take the car to open the door to the security personnel to checkCheck. When private use, there is no need to fill out the "pie".2 security personnel to take out the use of the "official vehicle registration form" to complete the relevant column completed after the use of people to confirm.3 the use of people to confirm and sign off.4 back to the field when the security personnel out of the use of the "official car use registration form" to complete the relevant column completed and handed over to the use of peopleConfirmation.5 the use of the signature confirmation after the approach, and the car parked to the designated parking spaces, and check the doors and windows are closed, the car keys back to the pointCustody division.