はじめザのフォーカスオブインフレcase is on the impactオブprivate equity(PE)interventions onヒューマンリソースとしてmanagement in a hospital . Inそのsimplestフォーム、private equity firms buy a profitableカンパニーand sell itスリーtoセブンyears laterため口than it paid . The増加is the sumオブthe capital増加on resale and the operating profit realised meanwhile(Folkman et al . 2009;Robbins et al . 2008 . Such an intervention constitutes an important organisationalイベントusually heraldsより主要organisational transformations(Boselie and Koene、2010)、including reorganisations、increased job insecurity、unemployment and significant effects on employee outcomes such as organisational commitment、employee trust inトップmanagement and job stress . A PE intervention is closely related to the investor buy-out、the later often representingシングルinvestors with substantialパーソナルinvestments(Boselie and Koene、2010)。There is a substantialボディオブliterature on PE interventions in the private sector(Wright and Bruining、2008)。However、リトルis料about the impactオブPE in the publicopinion sector orためsemi-public the organisationsよりメークup the bulkオブthe publicopinionスフィアinウェスタンcountries(Kickert、2001)。As private organisations performing functions publicopinion、彼らがアレpositioned somewhere between aピュアgovernment agency and a商業レートしたがってfirm(Rainey、1991)。GivenよりPEFsアレ料のためにtheir aggressive商業レートしたがって、operations、インフレtrend raises questions about the effects on publicopinion service workers because publicopinion、organisations differ in、 aspects from the private sector .アートワーク、パブリックsector organisationsアレin many cases partly financed by publicopinion funds . Second、services delivered byこれらorganisationsアレseen as essential services、右which tobehighly accessible and transparent . Finally publicopinion、サービスworkersアレoften seen asようmotivated by contributing to society andないbyておりaspects(Vandenabeele、2007)。ザcentralクエスチョンinインフレcase study is therefore:What is the impactオブPE interventions onヒューマンリソースとしてmanagement(HRM)in publicopinion organisations?ザPE intervention is aimed at increasing organisational performance . But it is alwaysかたないクリアインフレis achieved、whoはwillbeinvolved in the process、PE will affectヒューマンリソースとしてpracticesかた(ためexample recruitment andセレクション、employee development and compensation)and whether increasing performanceもincludes increasing employee well-being and societal well-being . Theラスト見(societal wellbeing)is in particular relevantためorganisations operating in the publicopinion domain .ザaimオブインフレis to case provide insights on both content and processスルーa case study analysis u 0026 quot ; a publicopinion organisation on the impactオブprivate equity on HRM . Sub-questionsよりアレlinked to the centralリサーチクエスチョンアレ:●What is the actual involvement and participation in決定 u 0026 quot ; differentメイキングstakeholders such as works councils?●What is the potential impactオブprivate equity on HRM practices?●What is the potential impactオブprivate equity on HRM outcomes?ザcase starts with the context、then、PE and HRMアレfurther defined . VS、the central questions willbeelaborated by describing the case:the PE involvement in a Dutch hospital andそのHRM effects . Finally、a conclusion and the lessons learnedアレformulated。