Breast Ultrasound findings: breasts exploration: the largest bilateral breast gland tissue thickness 15mm, bilateral breast tissue structural disorder, enhanced echo thickening, double breast duct uneven thickening. Breasts seen a number of echo-free zone, the range of about 3mm ~ 5mm, border clearance, the shape, the rear echo enhancement, CDFI showed: echo-free area and the surrounding no blood flow signal. LIMA visible above the heterogeneous echo area, the range of about 15mm * 7mm * 11mm, ill-defined, irregular, heterogeneous internal echo, CDFI showed: in and around it, no significant blood flow. Two-arm no significant mass echo. Ultrasonic Tip: Consider bilateral breast cystic hyperplasia pan. LIMA above heterogeneous echo area, BI-RADS category 3 (hyperplastic lesions may be considered