Our products come from New Zealand New Zealand manufacturing - Purtier placenta development from a fresh country air, rather than from the outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease European countries and BSE. Purtier placenta under strict quality control of production to ensure Purtier placenta can take effective and safe. Purtier placenta is New Zealand's leading clinics and laboratories for more than 15 years of intensive research and development results. It is also New Zealand's Auckland research center in the southern hemisphere's largest and most advanced clinical trial centers, one for testing. Auckland is New Zealand research center has a GLP conditions (GLP- good laboratory practice conditions) research center. Test Report is also further proof and review many doctors. Purtier dish vegetarian in New Zealand manufacturing and packaging, it is fully in line with international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), ISO9001,14001, New Zealand Food Safety Authority, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), TQM (total quality management) and SOP (standard operating program) strict standards.