"Folk remedies" civil treatment of hypertension recipe, function as gods!Fang Yi:At 10 o'clock in the morning to eat star fruit 1 capsule, dip some liquorice powder, residue cannot be swallowed. At four o'clock in the afternoon to eat peaches 1. At 10 o'clock in the evening to eat papaya one-fourth. 10 days in a row, function as gods.II:At 10 o'clock in the morning to eat raisins 30 capsules, dip some liquorice powder. At four o'clock in the afternoon to drink beverages (soft drinks), 1 Cup. At 10 o'clock in the evening to drink licorice tea 1 Cup.Licorice tea practices: 20 pieces of licorice, Cook for 1 half bowls of water, and FRY about 1 Bowl. 10 days in a row, their effectiveness as gods.Side three:At 10 o'clock in the morning to eat wax 3 capsules, dip some liquorice powder. At four o'clock in the afternoon to drink 1 cup of asparagus juice (plain canned). At 10 o'clock in the afternoon to eat ginseng (Korean ginseng) 3. 10 days in a row, the effectiveness of magic.Side four:At 10 o'clock in the morning to eat sugar cane more than 1 foot long, dip some liquorice powder. At four o'clock in the afternoon to eat ginseng (Korean ginseng) 3. At 10 o'clock in the evening to eat grape 30 tablets. 10 days in a row, the effectiveness of magic.Party of five:At 10 o'clock in the morning eating the loquat 3 capsules, dip some liquorice powder. Carambola under tea at four o'clock in the afternoon of 1 Bowl.Star fruit tea practices: Carambola 3 capsules, sliced pot, into 3 bowls of water, fry 1 Bowl, mixed with some sugar, licorice powder. At 10 o'clock in the afternoon to eat ginseng (Korean ginseng) 3. 10 days in a row, its effect is amazing. Suffering from this disease have not inspired karma, life richer, daily eats too much nutrient, the accumulation of body cannot digest all, cholesterol, blood is not flowing, encountered lack of sleep, or when the overworked, high blood pressure.Note: with this prescription, stop eating fish, meat, vegetarian food is wonderful.Reading text reading