Ventsim based software application in the optimization of mine ventilation systemAbstract: existing in Fengshan copper mine auxiliary shaft of mine ventilation system, inlet slope wind, North and South Rim air shaft return double diagonal ventilation system. Due to the edge of the mine ore mining has been successfully finished and sealed in a timely manner; as the new East Wing orebody discoveries and needs such as pitting, mining the mining sequence and original designs have been changed; mining technical conditions getting worse, objectively caused by mine ventilation system can not meet the actual needs.Paper in check out and analysis both at home and abroad mine ventilation of research status and development trend zhihou, through site survey and determination research, pointed out that has Fengshan copper mine ventilation system of exists problem, calculation has Fengshan copper of natural wind pressure and changes law, established has Fengshan copper mine ventilation system of Visual of model, this based Shang from South margin and North margin ventilation system optimization transformation proposed has multiple optimization programme, through technology feasibility, economic feasibility, and combined different programme of ventilation features for compared, and selection. Numerical simulation of optimal programmes, access to the fan, the air flow distribution in the Middle, and visualization. After a selection obtained in Fengshan copper mine ventilation system optimization transformation programme.Based research on comprehensive mine ventilation, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, systems engineering, optimization theory to optimization of mine ventilation system in Fengshan copper mine, built three dimensional mine ventilation network graph. The middle section of the plane in Fengshan copper mine maps and information related to engineering drawings, data, using Ventsim ventilation system software, visualization of mine ventilation system in Fengshan copper mine, is conducive to deepening understanding of the ventilation system.Through its implementation, optimization of mine ventilation system as a whole, determine key parameters of the ventilation system, establishment of working face air volume and air quality control system to achieve stability, high efficiency and energy-saving of mine ventilation system.Key words: ventilation system edge ore body; natural wind pressure of numerical simulation of air distribution and ventilation network control systemClassification number: TD72