(A) the top antioxidant: skin lotion can't time cannot cause wound carved from the external Environment, lotion quality is deteriorated day by day. Because muscle lotion BU yan niah extracts from entering into preventing muscle lotion-filled table coating and deep coating subjected to Vandalism, and Prada against Zhou, pores tighten and anti aging effects. (B) sound and celestial white muscle lotion: height o has the efficacy of white lotion. In addition, Yan niah extract lotion o muscle integrity, strengthen muscle lotion quality, let muscle lotion stays in the best facilitated Phase. (C) highly hydrating functions: Yan-water absorption of niah could result in skin lotion, is a stadium in natural hydrating ingredients with 5 integral water-based, but muscle deep hydrating lotion, lotion catch muscle full water, 細 Wen hui don't dry, effectively extending lotion 緩 muscle aging.