复合动词历史渊源,其形成最早可追溯到十三世纪,二十世纪以来发展迅猛,数量与日俱增,而且使用范围越趋广泛,频繁用于大众媒体和日常交流。然而,目前国内学术界对于英语复合动词理论研究的重视程度总体上还不够。本文拟从英语复合动词及其翻译策略两方面探讨其固有属性和普遍规律。History of compound verbs, which formed the earliest dating back to the 13th century, rapid development since the 20th century, ever increasing quantities and more wide ranging, frequently used in mass media and communication. However, the current domestic academia for the importance of theoretical study on compound verbs in English, on the whole, were not enough. Compound verbs and their translation strategies proposed in this article from English for two, explore their inherent properties and universal law.