Environmental problems have become increasingly severe, human survival. Eliminate environmental problems and achieve sustainable development in economic, first of all to recognize and locate the correct relationship between man and nature, and dialectical to look at the relationship between economic development and environmental protection. Back more than 100 years ago, Engels brings up are a product of nature, in order to achieve "the reconciliation of human reconciliation with nature and humanity itself", in nature: mankind must put people in the position; and master the law of nature must be respected, thoroughly dominated people's behaviors and predict potential long-term social effects, in order to achieve unity of both.Face environment problem to human survival proposed of huge challenge, many people advocated should reflection human Center doctrine of moral ethics, put ecological system into moral thinking of range, various ecological doctrine philosophy came into being. ecological doctrine philosophy common of features is, questioned human Center on the of legitimacy, advocated should put people of moral obligations extended to people zhiwai of whole ecological system, to corrected human Center doctrine of narrow sex. ecological doctrine philosophy became solution today environment problem of a loud of name.Key words: economic development, ecological philosophy; the relationship between man and nature