(16) such as Observatory staff bian 懸 before work only 8 or above Pacific typhoon Hao, competent staff Ying consultancy 詢, decide whether Ying work by the company, and the staff in 8 working under Hao, advises image: Tri-Power calculation. But when the Hong Kong Observatory in the evening 5 bit down on or before 8 Pacific typhoon Hao or only modified lower Pacific typhoon Hao, all staff are required to comply with the suspension is lowered Hao sell Prada shops after two hour job. 傾 瀉 in case of landslide, flooding or traffic encountered problems, and they are not in accordance with time to work, requiring immediate notification when the value Manager, so that he could make a proper when the Zambia match. Company image: Stadium 諒 right international difficulties but he is able to time employed Member, advises, as appropriate, and Dan finish. Employed staff absences can be cannot under the controlling factor, does not rule out reviews 曠 職 finish by the company and may. (When black rainstorm alarm trip circuit Hao 懸 only time employed member needs such as time when values).