10000137 = challenge fails, the other qualifying has changed, please try again later
10000138 = challenge fails, the challenges insufficient number
10000139 = challenge fails, point too fast, the last battle still calculation
10,000,140 = challenge fails, the trainer challenge other players are being
challenged 10,000,141 = fail, you can not challenge yourself
10,000,142 = challenge fails, the diamond shortage
10000143 = challenge fails, the challenges the player does not exist
10000144 = challenge fails, the level is insufficient
to initiate 10,000,145 = challenge fails, vip level is insufficient
10000146 = challenge fails, the active state can not challenge
10000147 = challenge fails, the system error
10000148 = challenge failed and did not participate in registration
10000149 = challenge failed, not in the same battlefield
challenge failed 10000150 = challenges players to challenge not own range of positions
10000151 = challenge fails you in the cooling time
10000152 = challenge fails, the target in the cooling period
10,000,153 = announcement server connection timeout, check the Internet