Clown fish are bird I'm fish of the Sparidae sea anemone fish under Nigerian section types of Petersham was brought a kind of hot sea water fish. Clown fish walk beside the sea anemone has a close symbiotic relationship activities, thus airport anemone fish. Brought the Stinger Anemone o clown fish, anemones 殘 after entering into clown fish heavy residue, forming a kind of symbiotic relationship activities. Clown fish long long to 18 centimeters, the youngest only 10 cm. The fishes dorsal fin hard spines for the orange patch is divided by 5-6, the fourth longest, about 2.1-2.9 times times the head length. Pectoral fins, pelvic fins, and dorsal fins, caudal fins, usually is divided by orange patch, both have black margins, outside the black edge, and a transparent outer edge. Visible sides have 3 white spots, irregular in shape, around the outer edge of the Gill cover, middle part of the body and caudal peduncle with a. Hard spines 10-11; soft 13-17; gonopodium hard spines 2; soft, 11-13. Its length is up to 11 cm.