Carbide Silicon 顆 grain increased strong of aluminum gold're part complexity collection material (PRCMC) is material characteristics very strong of complexity collection material, for because its material easy broken, question problem, caused many in processing Shang of trapped difficult, main carbide Silicon 顆 grain difficult was heavy tool mill 損, paper between 紹 has super Sheng vibration begins to in Kiev help grinding (UVAG) Gold're part base complexity collection material Al/SiC method, UVAG stub small amplitude, high frequency rate of tool vibration begins to, improve manufacture made workers 藝 and processing efficiency results collection 傳 system grinding and Super Sheng wave processing (USM) of effectiveness, Tool mill 損 and airport armed processing surface morphology progress line has research, addition grinding workers 藝 participation number of shadow 響, so I we research proper when of participation number in over drive in the progress line phase about of right these, stub Super Sonic knife introduction 響 grinding of grinding force, does exploration discuss each real participation number Yes tool mill 損 and surface rough degrees of shadow 響, I we can understanding grinding participation number stub processing characteristics of between of about relationship, also I we still can get best of workers 藝 participation number team collection, established a real 穩 set of efficient, and high quality processing over drive.