(1) Maximum Longitudinal
Maximum Longitudinal Longitudinal maximum is based on road grade, natural conditions, and other factors driving the requirements defined in the route, it is important to control targets the road profile design. The design value of 1.528% Maximum Longitudinal Usually, the limit is 6%.
(2) Minimum Longitudinal
long cuttings, as well as other low-filling is not smooth lateral drainage area, to ensure drainage requirements, to prevent the infiltration of water and affect its stability roadbed, road specification Longitudinal minimum of not less than 0.3%; when the case Longitudinal special difficulties when less than 0.3%, should be set zigzag ditches or other drainage facilities.
(3) Limited Slope Length
of slope length profile is the difference between adjacent PVI station, namely horizontal distance. Certain restrictions on the length of the longitudinal slope called slope length restrictions, including limiting the maximum slope length and most small slope length limit. Specification design speed of 60km / h urban roads most small slope length 130m, the maximum slope length is not limited.
(4) Synthesis slope
synthesis is a road slope Longitudinal and transverse slope vector and "urban road engineering design specification" CJJ37-2012 provisions of the design speed of 60km / h maximum road longitudinal slope synthesis of 7%, the minimum levels of road synthesis slope should not be less than 0.5%.