价值百万的成功与失败一览对照表,值得保存下来2015-04-21 成功哲学推荐私人互动微信: kfx8989欢迎添加,从此您的身边便多了一位的英文翻譯

价值百万的成功与失败一览对照表,值得保存下来2015-04-21 成功

2015-04-21 成功哲学
推荐私人互动微信: kfx8989欢迎添加,从此您的身边便多了一位免费的成功教练。如咨询课程或事业、工作中遇到瓶颈添加个人微信后直接咨询!
消极的人 积极的人
我办不到 我怎样才能办到
我不可能赢 我一定要赢
我不富有的原因是我有孩子 我必须富有的原因是我有孩子
要是我再年轻一点 我还很年轻
我受的教育有限 我会不断学习
要是我老爸给我留下…… 成功要靠自己
稳定的工作就是一切 不断进取才是一切 赚钱的时候要小心,别去冒风险 要学会管理风险 我没有资金 我想办法找资金
我可买不起 我想办法买得起
钱不好赚 赚钱很容易
贪财乃是万恶之源 贫困才是万恶之本
我对钱不感兴趣 我的爱好是让钱生钱 钱对我来说不重要 钱对我来说是人生价值
我要为赚钱而工作 我要让金钱为我工作
我从不富有 我是一个有钱人
这是一个贫穷的世界 这是一个富有的世界

消极的人 积极的人
在问题面前束手无策 想办法解决问题
心灵是封闭的 头脑是开放的
观念是陈旧的 观念是崭新的
只说不做 语言後面跟着行动
看结果做事 看趋势做事
只看消极与失败的一面 先看积极和光明之处
在失败面前找藉口 在失败之後找原因
字典中总有「不可能」 字典中没有「不可能」
不愿合作,不会利用人际关系 喜欢与人合作,会利用人际关系



总想休息,工作并痛苦着 热爱事业,工作并乐着

消极的人 积极的
等待天上掉下礼物 不断寻找新的乳酪
渴望中奖 奠定基业
鸡蛋里挑骨头 只找下金蛋的鸡
期待不劳而获 知道只有付出才有收获
贫穷是长久的 破产是暂时的
努力存钱 不断地投资
千方百计节约钱财 想方设法创造财富
购买负债 购置资产
口袋空空,脑袋也空空 口袋充实,脑袋更充实
甘心打工 愿当老板
总想去远方寻找宝藏 钻石就在脚下

消极的人 积极的人
抱守残缺,不知变革 锐意进取,开拓创新


什麽都想做 先做好一件事

总想找找个好工作 一心要办个好公司
总是更努力地工作 总是更聪明地工作
是别人船上的海员 是自己命运的舵手
空想家 梦想家 流浪汉 实干家
坐等最佳时机 抓住每一个机会
人生是迷途个羔羊 人生是惊醒的雄狮
做成事要靠运气 钻石就在脚下
寄希望於下一代 要给子女打天下
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
价值百万的成功与失败一览对照表,值得保存下来2015-04-21 成功哲学推荐私人互动微信: kfx8989欢迎添加,从此您的身边便多了一位免费的成功教练。如咨询课程或事业、工作中遇到瓶颈添加个人微信后直接咨询!一、对金钱的思维方式消极的人 积极的人我办不到 我怎样才能办到我不可能赢 我一定要赢我不富有的原因是我有孩子 我必须富有的原因是我有孩子要是我再年轻一点 我还很年轻我受的教育有限 我会不断学习要是我老爸给我留下…… 成功要靠自己稳定的工作就是一切 不断进取才是一切 赚钱的时候要小心,别去冒风险 要学会管理风险 我没有资金 我想办法找资金我可买不起 我想办法买得起钱不好赚 赚钱很容易贪财乃是万恶之源 贫困才是万恶之本我对钱不感兴趣 我的爱好是让钱生钱 钱对我来说不重要 钱对我来说是人生价值我要为赚钱而工作 我要让金钱为我工作我从不富有 我是一个有钱人这是一个贫穷的世界 这是一个富有的世界 二、看待问题的角度消极的人 积极的人在问题面前束手无策 想办法解决问题心灵是封闭的 头脑是开放的观念是陈旧的 观念是崭新的只说不做 语言後面跟着行动看结果做事 看趋势做事只看消极与失败的一面 先看积极和光明之处在失败面前找藉口 在失败之後找原因字典中总有「不可能」 字典中没有「不可能」不愿合作,不会利用人际关系 喜欢与人合作,会利用人际关系目光短浅,斤斤计较眼前得失 目光远大,不会计较一时之利益总觉得时间富裕,无所事事 总觉得时间不够用,忙於做事总想休息,工作并痛苦着 热爱事业,工作并乐着 三、理财的方式消极的人 积极的等待天上掉下礼物 不断寻找新的乳酪渴望中奖 奠定基业鸡蛋里挑骨头 只找下金蛋的鸡期待不劳而获 知道只有付出才有收获贫穷是长久的 破产是暂时的努力存钱 不断地投资千方百计节约钱财 想方设法创造财富购买负债 购置资产口袋空空,脑袋也空空 口袋充实,脑袋更充实甘心打工 愿当老板总想去远方寻找宝藏 钻石就在脚下 四、对待人生的选择消极的人 积极的人抱守残缺,不知变革 锐意进取,开拓创新遇到挫折就放弃,还没做事就失败了 跌倒了再爬起来,不达目的不甘休什麽都想做 先做好一件事总想找找个好工作 一心要办个好公司总是更努力地工作 总是更聪明地工作是别人船上的海员 是自己命运的舵手空想家 梦想家 流浪汉 实干家坐等最佳时机 抓住每一个机会人生是迷途个羔羊 人生是惊醒的雄狮Make luck diamond at your doorstepHoping to give children of the next generation conquer
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Worth millions of successes and failures glance comparison table, worth preserved
2015-04-21 successful philosophy
recommend private interactive micro letter: kfx8989 welcome to add, from your side will be more than one free successful coach. After such direct advice or career counseling courses, work experience bottlenecks add a personal micro-letter!
First, the way of thinking of money
negative people positive person
I can not, how can I do
I can not win I have to win
I am not rich because I have children. I have rich because I have children
if I then younger I was very young
I've had limited access to education, I will continue to learn
, if my dad left me ...... succeed on our own
stable job is to keep making progress is all the money all the time to be careful, do not take risks I do not have to learn to manage risk capital funds I try to find
I can not afford I can afford to think of ways
to make money easily earn good money
but the love of money is the root of all evil evil of poverty present
I am not interested in money, my hobby Money is to make money with money is not important for me, for me, is the value of life
I want to make money and work the money I want to work for me
I never wealthy I was a rich man
that is a poor world it It is a rich world of two, perspective to negative people positive people helpless in the face of problems to find ways to solve the problem of mind is a closed mind is open to the idea that old ideas are new language just saying no later followed by action to see Results to see trends work things look negative and failed to look at the positive side and the bright spots in the face of the failure to find an excuse for the failure to find the reason after the dictionary is always "impossible" not in the dictionary "impossible" unwilling to cooperate, will not use interpersonal love working with people, would use interpersonal short-sighted, preoccupied immediate gains and losses visionary, will not care about the interests of the moment of time always feel wealthy, idle always feel that lack of time, busy with work always want to rest, work and pain love their careers work and music of three financial way negative people positive gift waiting for heaven constantly looking for new cheese eager to lay the foundation of winning nitpick only to find the golden egg chicken expect unearned know only pain, no gain is poor long-term insolvency is temporary effort to save money to invest constantly trying to do everything possible to save money and create wealth for later acquisition of assets and liabilities empty pockets, empty pockets also enriched his head, his head fuller willing to work when the boss is willing to go far away to find the treasure of diamonds total at the foot of four treat life choices negative people positive people cling incomplete, I do not know change forge ahead, pioneering and innovative setbacks to give up, no work has failed fell pick back up, and do not Ganxiu want to do anything to Do one thing always looking to find a good job as one to do a good company will always work harder and work smarter is always someone seafarers on board their own destiny helmsman visionary vagabond dreamer doer wait for the best Good opportunity to seize every opportunity that life is lost a lamb life is awakened lion rely on luck to get things done at the foot of Diamond hopes to give the next generation of children to conquer the world

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Worth millions of success and failure of a list of the list, it is worth to save the
2015-04-21 philosophy of success in the successful recommendation of personal interactive micro letter: kfx8989 welcome to add, from your side will be more of a free success coach. Such as counseling courses or career, work in the face of the bottleneck to add personal micro channel direct consultation! I can't win. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't win. I'm not rich. Because I have children. Because I have children.If my dad left me......

I think I have no success rely on themselves
stable job is all continuously enterprising to all make money to be careful, don't take risks to learn how to manage risk my money to think of a way to find the money

I can buy can not afford to buy affordable money not to earn money easily greedy but is the root of all evil source of poverty is the root of all evil of the money is not interested in my hobby is make money money money to me is not money is important to me is the value of life I want for money and I want to make money for my work, I'll never be rich. I was a rich man
This is a poor world this is a rich worldSecond, look at the problem from the perspective of
negative positive person
helpless in the face of problems to think of a way to solve the problem
mind is a closed mind is open
concept is obsolete concept is new
of words and not of deeds behind the language followed action
see results for everything trend work
only negative and failure of a first look at the positive and bright place
in the face of failure excuses after the failure to find reasons
dictionary there is always "impossible" dictionary without "impossible"
is unwilling to cooperate, not to take advantage of the interpersonal relationship like to cooperate with others, interpersonal relationship

the eyes of short-term use, haggle over every ounce of gain and loss of sight
farseeing.Do not care about a moment's interests

always feel time is rich, idle
always feel that time is not enough, busy work

always want to rest, work and pain love their careers, work and happy

3, financial way
negative people positive
waiting for the sky fall gift will continue to seek to find new cheese
wants to win a prize to lay foundation
eggs a bone to pick only to find the golden egg chicken
look forward to reaping know only pay only harvest
poverty is long bankruptcy is temporary
to saving constantly investment
do everything possible to save money trying to create wealth
buy debt purchase assets
of empty pockets, and his head was empty pockets full,

fuller head
willing to work may when the boss always want to go the distance to find the treasure diamonds at the foot of the four, treat life negative positive cling incomplete, I do not know change forge ahead, pioneering and innovative setbacks give up, don't do fail fell to climb up, do not reach the goal not willingly give up

what want to do first, do a thing to always want to find a good job wanted to do a good company always more hard work always smarter work others ship seafarers is their fate helmsman visionary dreamer flow tramp doer wait for best opportunity to seize every opportunityLife is a lost lamb life is awakened lion
do succeed to rely on luck diamond in foot
hope for the next generation to give children the world
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