Using organic Solvents Ying attention 項A stadium, Organic Solvents can make people happen:(1) the head pain, (2) tired, (3) dizzy, (4) anaenia, (5) Liver barrier such as flowinfluence, Ying 謹 careful finish.Second, to promote organic Solvents operating time, must pay attention to:1. Organic Solvents of the container, no matter whether in use or not use, Gatlinburg 緊 Ying having hands.2. operating access can only be stored when the days needed by the use of Organic Solvents.3. Despite may Wind on location, to avoid inhaling Vapor of Organic Solvents.4. as soon as possible could avoid direct 觸 skin lotion.Acute poisoning of three, if personnel happen when:1. staff advises poisoning immediately moved to the air circulation of Qi, lowered his head to the side bent double or one-bedroom, and keep his Stadium hot.2. immediately fully furnished apartments located born in 負 Ze, secure host management staff or in 負 Ze host other working staff.3. personnel if we lose Perception of poisoning time, Ying'll mouth take out Middle East West immediately.4. the staff of poisoning if you stop breathing time, Ying for him artificial resuscitation immediately.