With the deepening of the strategy of strong province of culture and culture industry is in full swing and culture industry has penetrated the University campus, University students for the study of life in tandem with the economic development also improved day by day, reading books, a place of learning is not confined to quarters, a library, campus House came into being. College Bookstore requires attention to quality of reading lists at the same time, more and more attention to House of culture. Autumn Zhi art language Yu workers House based Yu Henan Engineering College, for in school students build a both youth and literary of leisure places, in learning leisure of while for youth memories added a landscape, so House of packaging design not only to followed scientific, and practical, and economic sex, and aesthetic sex, modern design common of principles, also to into campus culture,, so series packaging of design to focused on appearance quality, to has must of Visual impact, to reflected out campus House of culture features, meet market competition needs, Meet the promoting campus culture and even greater economic benefits creation purposes. This article will focus on campus bookstores product and packaging design, discusses how to dig deeper into House features and integration in modern packaging designInnovative design concepts, and this philosophy to guide the completion of Henan library products and packaging design.