Sustainable marketing is a holistic approach (charter, Peattie, Ottman / Polonsky
2002, 12; bridges (Wilhelm 2008, 35; emery, 2012, 24). A company 's mission
and vision has to support sustainable marketing, which can be found in the core
values of a company designing, producing and delivering a sustainable product is
not only the responsibility of the marketing department but requires the
Collaboration between all departments in a company. Otherwise a company cannot
be truly sustainable. furthermore, consumers increasingly expect not only the
company to be sustainable but the whole supply chain (bridges (Wilhelm 2008,
35; 2009 Belz / Peattie, 117). Many companies outsource production to Third
World countries, which technically frees them of any responsibility. However, in
Of these countries child labour and sweatshops are common practice which
reflects, badly on the company. some