Ladies, gentlemen, in order to maintain world peace, promote the further development of the global economy, the chief executive of I will be very proud to serve as the great free website. The first self-introduction, my name is Doudou, this year four years old, now in my dear family and friends are grow sturdily. I remember a be of noble character and high prestige Archon once said: "a symbol of national public power and trust in the candidates, to achieve the purpose of before and after the behavior has a surprising discrepancies. They elected rarely perform election promise and before." So I promise what is not in here, or do something for everyone.I decided to do three things for the people of the whole country to Mount Qomolangma: elevator, stick ceramic tile to the the Great Wall, with reverse to aircraft; to do three things: to wear masks to mosquitoes, flies to wear gloves, gave the mice eat rat poison.
well, not much said, you have any good suggestions, remember to contact me.