Prices slightly higher, the middle class is the position: this position can see the blackboard, and the teacher is not too close because of the distance and face being sprayed saliva. The location of the head with a fan, very cool in summer. This place is 275 points / cm.
Higher price position in the middle of the front window. This position can see the scenery. Lighting, ventilation is good. Under the windows there is heating, cool. The price of the table to the angle 458 points / cm.
Then a high price in the first row. First row from the blackboard advantage is very close (too close, however, often have to look at the blackboard upturned neck discomfort). However, the first row can take toilet or canteen for the first time after class. This advantage is often the urgency of the students favorite. Prices for this location is 688 points / cm.