1. due to increased external financing channels, now the movie industry concerns to obtain funds is much easier than ever before. The most obvious change is that demand for non-mainstream subject of investment increase, many alternative investment fund holding billions of dollars waiting for investment opportunities. Meanwhile, portfolio theory and the application of how movie studios are willing to trade, attract the attention of many savvy investors. Furthermore, majority of film financing will benefit be cut according to the different risk characteristics, attract a wider range of investors to participate. This structured transaction, another factor that increased external funding pipeline, cash portfolio of film financing agreement also contains additional policy considerations, investors want to establish long-term partnerships and film distributors.2. now, investors willing to assume more risk. Modern film distributors more and more often in order to sell movies on stakes to outside investors to diversify risk, even through loan financing, and its financing partners can also accept a repayment order be delayed until after the movie releases and publicity costs, resulting in a payback threshold increase.3. investors are becoming more aware of how to deal with movie studios, even in some films in the preparatory process, outside investors are also involved in decision-making processes.