In the natural sciences, many Western philosophers have made great contributions. Kant, Hagel and other Western philosophers on the classical science of Newton created a summary of the methodology, as a pioneer of modern methodology. Logical positivism, critical rationalism and system theory are the results of the methodology of modern natural science. The development of these methods is not only a summary of the past, but also provides a guide for the future development of science. Great scientists tend to benefit from the impact of advanced philosophy. In part, Newton found the tools from Aristotle, Bacon, and Einstein, and Descartes found the methodology in Kant. Kant's hypothesis not only opens up a new chapter in the development of astronomy, but also provides a methodology for the natural scientists of the dialectical research theory. After Laplasse on the basis of scientific materials strictly the dialectical nebular hypothesis, Kant's view on natural scientists has attracted wide attention, and more and more people realize the guiding role of philosophy of natural science. In short, in my opinion, the development and perfection of the western philosophers thought the birth and development of modern natural science, and created the brilliant achievements of western modern science.