Coco Lee: but I in this movie has played a not particularly reliable people
from the beginning of abandoned her (Moonlight lovers of Music) (moon love music). Then I like a broken line kite fly farther and farther
but when I face this big screen (Moonlight lovers of Music)
right I say something to you (Moonlight lovers of Music)
my kite flew away this thread is always in your hands. Gan Tingting: I'm holding an umbrella, wandering alone in the long corridor of Huangshan City
I hope to meet a a girl as pretty as Ding Xiang (Moonlight lovers of Music).She has a lilac color her clove her lilac beauty
so today's Huangshan City province without rainfall but clove has really come
Dong Wenhua: now I leave you nearer (Moonlight lovers of Music)
although many people can hear this song (Moonlight lovers of music play)
but I sing to you (Moonlight lovers of Music (Music) moonlight lovers)
sing: I wake up sleeping in the micro-blog in young people let me miss you (Moonlight lovers of Music)
to the Spring Festival evening without being bullied you don't (Moonlight lovers of Music)
The phonograph heart meditation over the Beijing youth (Moonlight lovers of Music) I love you ten thousand years love I would like for you to do not abandon
Jiang Mengjie: look Tang Jiao do not open the door I told you you better listen to me ah
If today you do not come out, I opened in the study now (Moonlight lovers of music up) I will immediately let Ding Xiang do this study sister you hear no
out not to come out I have to the door (Moonlight lovers of Music)