3.2.1 lock nut3.2.1.1 confirm locking torque. According to the process requirements of equipment assembly / table / calculation method, the locking torque is obtained. with the target torque value divided by the manual torque wrench torque than that, need to input torque, and manual torque wrench to the corresponding torque value. reaction arm and the sleeve in place, and the reaction arm support in adjacent bolts or other support, reaction arm support must have sufficient strength to withstand the reaction torque, reaction torque and output torque of the same. will output the square manual torque wrench insert manual torque wrench input square hole, according to the direction of the arrow is clockwise, manual torque wrench, operation, try to make the wrench movement in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the input side. A manual torque wrench until the "click" sound, then reach the target torque, locking operation is complete.3.2.3 remove nut3.2.3.1 reaction arm and the sleeve in place, and the reaction arm support in adjacent bolts or other supporting points,Reaction arm support must have sufficient strength to withstand the reaction torque. will output the square manual torque wrench insert manual torque wrench input square hole, namely the counterclockwise operation of manual operation, torque wrench, spanner to make motion in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the input side. remove the nut, remove the wrench.3.3 matters needing attention in operation3.3.1 lock nut or bolt must be sure to check the anti rebound device stuck into effect, otherwise, the backlash of the gear system may cause personal injury.When using the machine fastening nut or bolt, when the manual torque wrench to set the torque, at this time, no need to try to further operation, otherwise, may lead to the torque of the error, and even the tool damage.3.3.3 to complete the lock nut, then remove the manual torque wrench, be sure to close the handle of the manual torque wrench, so as to avoid the huge rebound of gear system damage.3.3.4 although the removal of the nut or bolt, no torque requirements, in order to avoid overloading, please turn the manual torque wrench to the maximum input torque. If the cannot be removed, must not be entered more than the specified torque, otherwise, may / will inevitably damage the machine or cause damage to the body.3.3.5 manual torque wrench, please try to ensure that the wrench drive head, sleeve and the fastening bolt is in the same axis.Maintenance of torque multiplier3.1 of the products in the assembly of each gear and rotation has been in good lubrication, but the grease will loss is inevitable in the future use of the process, when the multiplier efficiency is reduced or not flexible gear to rotate freely open the multiplier, re apply grease to improve the efficiency and prolong the service life.3.2 please use within the torque wrench and multiplier torque range, in order to prolong the service life of the tool, the use of the best in the maximum torque output value within the range of 80%.4 RMA/KTMA series manual torque multiplier wrench test4.1 testing standards: in accordance with the German standard method of testing (H-joint)