School quality by using a specific note 項A school matter, specific quality makes it happen:Pain, head, nausea, breathing difficulties, organ barrier disease symptoms and other adverse flowinfluence, Ying 謹 careful finish.The second school quality, to promote a specific operating time does 項 must pay attention to the following things:1. the true operating right wear respirator or mask.2. wear rubber boots, gloves to prevent Skin touch 觸 school ephedra distachya l.3. access to University of Qing 潔 ephedra distachya l when seen with spoon or 鑷.4. containers, utensils after use Ying full wash 滌 dry net back rules will be placed.5. school ephedra distachya l Reaction of deadbeef when Ying stub 負 Ze people relate, and receive instructions.6. According to the work instructions and standard standard method of operation, it may not change.Third, if leaked, 觸 or abused when Ying urgent measures:1. school ephedra distachya l leak of the Ying quality take 緊 anxious finish, less harm.2. Skin touch school ephedra distachya l 觸 Chong washing with water immediately, and receive drink feast Normal University 診 air circuit breakers.3. self worth or his worth symptoms when Ying drink feast inspection immediately.