In philosophy, for the definition of philosophy, Western philosophy scholars take a different view. Plato thinks "thauma," is the beginning of philosophy. He said full of meaning: philosophy is by surprise, under their eyes, everything off the shelter of all earthly and will show itself. Hegel pointed out in his book small logic: philosophy is a special thought, philosophy is the pursuit of absolute. "Philosophy of absolute objects, is a special way of thinking. Aiyinsita philosophy as the most popular and most widely used form of the pursuit of knowledge, that is, philosophy is the mother of all sciences. In my opinion, real ancient philosophy can give us a true look at nature, changes and development of society and life, the correct treatment of advance and retreat, gain and loss, fame and fortune; deal with social progress and personal development, correctly deal with the relationship between collective and individual interests, in order to provide positive life practice guide. As the task of philosophy itself, is to direct people correctly understand and transform the world.