In my opinion, art plays an essential role in our society due to the purpose it
serves in communicating with the world. Of all the different types of arts, animation is
something that fascinates me more than anything I had ever known and never fails to
captivate me. When I was 7, I first came crossed animation through “Spirited Away”.
As a child, even though I was not able to fully grasp the depth of the story, I was
overwhelmed by the power of animation and felt that a new world was opened right in
front of me. I could not stop looking at the exquisite hand-drawing scenes and
laughing or crying along with the mood swings of the characters. It was in that
moment I decided to drawing, to making animation, and to telling a great story to
people through my hands.
In my opinion, art plays an essential role in our society due to the purpose itserves in communicating with the world. Of all the different types of arts, animation issomething that fascinates me more than anything I had ever known and never fails tocaptivate me. When I was 7, I first came crossed animation through "Spirited Away".As a child, even though I was not able to fully grasp the depth of the story, I wasoverwhelmed by the power of animation and felt that a new world was opened right infront of me. I could not stop looking at the exquisite hand-drawing scenes andlaughing or crying along with the mood swings of the characters. It was in thatmoment I decided to drawing, to making animation, and to telling a great story topeople through my hands.

The In My Opinion, Art Plays AN Essential Role in Our Society Due to at The Purpose IT
Serves as mentioned in Communicating the with at The World. Of All at The Different types of Arts, Animation IS
something that fascinates Me More Within last anything the I HAD of Ever known_y and Never fails Total to
Captivate Me. the When the I WAS. 7, the I First Came Crossed Animation through "Spirited Away."
of As A Child, the even though the I WAS Not able to Fully GRASP at The depth of at The Story, the I WAS
overwhelmed by at The Power of Animation and Felt that A new new World WAS the Opened right in
Front of Me. the I Could Not STOP looking AT at The Exquisite Hand-Drawing Scenes and
Laughing or Crying along the with at The Mood Swings of at The characters. It WAS in that
Moment the I was advertised. to Drawing, to Making Animation, and to A Great Story to Telling
people through My Hands.