Through on delay green gene research found, tomato GF mutation body has delay green of performance, and has was on tomato delay green gene LeSGR1 for has clone, and research has its function [36], also has research pea in the of delay green gene, and on its clone and analysis its function [37], but SGR gene is how produced delay green this a performance of, currently does not clear. Research has shown that plant hormones ABA which had obvious effects on plant senescence, but excess of SGR-green gene expression can also cause leaf senescence in plants, the SGR gene-green cause is through the control of ABA biosynthesis to indirectly influence the synthesis of important enzymes in plant senescence, which is important for exploring the SGR mechanism of gene-green. Based on tomato experiment, explore the SGR gene in aging control and control the relationship between aging of ABA metabolism. By SGR, RanBP3 transgenic plants transgenic plants as well as exogenous control A57 ABA, ABA inhibitors, water spraying treatment and ABA of leaves of different plants content, expression of genes related to ABA, physiological and biochemical indexes detection.