Or Gu said: "Xi Zhong Zuyun this gossip even after twelve o'clock, it should in Burgundy, Mita repeatedly, to the Ni Wan, start time, regardless of the metaphor by die gargles, and infuriating formulas, really mouth and heart , not between text also. "several times to peruse, see comprehension formulas, detailed and do carry on, though implicit rather than send its word, its path already jump as well. Mr. Ikawa said: "the people to live, 焂 suddenly stricken, no nothing, and those who can keep vacant beginners who do not know the subject of the law, must Soak sage words, make argumentation Jinjin Wyatt heart, the secret side was smooth, it is not. Empty holding hard Moriya. "That is to understand the mind of the Buddha for the case of Buddhism is also