運氣  盛運在眼前,但急於求成就會失敗,必須要慎重等時機。又不可性急或看急,或者過於有自信而失掉好運。希望  會達成,但時期會晚一點。急則敗的英文翻譯

運氣 盛運在眼前,但急於求成就會失敗,必須要慎重等時機。又不可性急或

運氣 盛運在眼前,但急於求成就會失敗,必須要慎重等時機。又不可性急或看急,或者過於有自信而失掉好運。
希望 會達成,但時期會晚一點。急則敗,又達成目的後會因疏忽大意而失敗,要小心。
財運 雖不如所願,但多加努力仍有希望。最好借助長輩的力量。
經商 將來會成功發展,但日前卻很困難。
就業 現在不會馬上有結果,但等一段時期就會有好職業。
轉業 現在不行,要等一段時期。
戀愛 男人有緣份,但此對象在後來將會發生糾紛。女人沒有緣份。
結婚 在中途會出問題。對女人卻是很好的婚姻。對男人則因對方的個性太強,不適合家庭。
等人 會晚一點。
旅行 不好。時期不對,另找別的時期才好。
訴訟 會持續很久。
事件 不要耍手段,主張正義則吉。
生病 病情很重,需要小心調養。
考試 成績會很好。
遺失 無法找到。又被東西積壓在下面,已經過了許多日數。
離家 跑到遠方去了。
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
運氣 盛運在眼前,但急於求成就會失敗,必須要慎重等時機。又不可性急或看急,或者過於有自信而失掉好運。希望 會達成,但時期會晚一點。急則敗,又達成目的後會因疏忽大意而失敗,要小心。財運 雖不如所願,但多加努力仍有希望。最好借助長輩的力量。經商 將來會成功發展,但日前卻很困難。就業 現在不會馬上有結果,但等一段時期就會有好職業。轉業 現在不行,要等一段時期。戀愛 男人有緣份,但此對象在後來將會發生糾紛。女人沒有緣份。結婚 在中途會出問題。對女人卻是很好的婚姻。對男人則因對方的個性太強,不適合家庭。等人 會晚一點。旅行 不好。時期不對,另找別的時期才好。訴訟 會持續很久。事件 不要耍手段,主張正義則吉。生病 病情很重,需要小心調養。考試 成績會很好。遺失 無法找到。又被東西積壓在下面,已經過了許多日數。離家 跑到遠方去了。
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]

Sheng Yun luck in front, but the anxious will fail, we must be careful so the time. You can not be impatient or anxious to see, or too confident and lose good luck.
I hope it will be reached, but the time will come later. Emergency is defeated, and after reaching the purpose due to negligence and failure, be careful.
Wealth though not wish, but more efforts are still hope. With the power of the elders of the best.
The future success of business development, but is very difficult today.
Employment now will not have results immediately, but wait for some time there will be a good career.
Jobs not now, have to wait a period of time.
Love men have fate, but this object will later dispute. Women no fate.
Married in the middle will be problems. For women it is a good marriage. Due to the other side of the man's personality is too strong, not suitable for families.
Others will come later.
Travel well. Period does not, find another time to do anything else.
Litigation will continue for a long time.
Events do not play games, advocates justice is guitar.
Sick very ill, we need to be careful recuperation.
Exam results will be good.
Lost can not be found. What has been the backlog in the following, it has been a lot of number of days.
He ran away from home to go the distance.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Sheng Yun in the eyes, but eager for success will fail, must be careful to wait. Don't be impatient or anxious, or too confident and have good luck. Hope will be reached, but it will be a little late. Anxious to lose, but also to achieve the purpose of the negligence and failure, to be careful. Fortune is not
wish, but more work is still hope. Best with the strength of the elders. Business will succeed in the future, but it is very difficult. Employment will not immediately have a result, but a period of time will have a good job.
jobs not now, have to wait for a period of time. Love is the fate of man
,But this object will be in dispute later. Women have no fate. Get married in the middle of the way. But it's a good marriage for a woman. For men, because each other's personality is too strong, not suitable for family.

, will be a little late. Not good. The period is not right, and the other is good. The lawsuit will last for a long time. Don't play tricks on the event, stand for justice.
sick sick, need careful care. The exam results will be very good. Lost can not find. It's been a long time, and it's been a lot of days.

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