Chen Yan use of the ant colony algorithm is the choice of the optimal path algorithm, and design the corresponding path selection module, to link distance as the road weight, shortest path to the target [10]. Jing Ling adopts genetic algorithm to realize the optimal path problem, and in section length as the weight of [11]. Wang Rongyan also uses genetic algorithm as the optimal path selection algorithm, different is, it constructs the dynamic link travel time function model to calculate the travel time, and take it as the network weight [12]. Yang Zhiyong, Zhao Lin, Zhang Xingchen and other scholars have studied the prior information of the travelers' route choice model,While the model to study the path of prior information under the premise of choice, rather than the traveler to obtain real-time information of [13]. Zhang He, Yang Zhaosheng, Wang Wei, et al. Method by using the incremental loading and determine the optimal path, according to the proportion of decomposed into K section using the road traffic flow prediction, each part using the BPR function to calculate the link travel time, the use of Dijkstra algorithm to determine the shortest path [14].