Qing love 媽 媽You are in my mind, is the best 堅 strong. most Pi o rightMost love heart Mother in this full Qing and the special of the day hereI think I'm you say: 媽 ~ I love you. Mother Jie joyI have a God to guard, protect I need assistance with calculations always is the most appropriate time nowI know my audience and people-Zaventem when she not want to be with having a public foot step盡 her to maximum power assistance in the future, I謝 謝 媽 媽 ~ Mother Jie you happy I don't open heart, you do not leave more than I ...I cry, you cry more than I am sadCan't study what I do decide you aselia support媽 Amy was no, I want to what is to be done?媽 microphone ... Aselia I love you ... Mother Jie joy