According to high speed circuit switched data Huan border love Cardinality analysis stub 優 first release exhibition lessons problem, tie now has total 畫 執 line, according to high speed circuit switched data this Council strategy 績 effect accounts standard push begins to total 畫, including contributed to Taiwanese in the Wu day Deputy are heart stub Changhua du heart of series links, build Wu Brook two Bank Tri-child city, and full push begins to Taiwanese in the spent Bo, Office acting "擬 set Hou in China International spent Bo specific area total 畫", and order completed big Taiwanese in the city total 畫 main total 畫 pass Pan 檢 discuss case, does regularly pass Pan 檢 discuss the conditions Department total 畫 to area, and "land using points area witnesses Ming online Shang Shen please Department system", and mention increased city design total 審 Council efficiency, and Activation leisure reset empty between information source, and push begins to public land Office acting city update, and springs gang airport Gatwick week bian del Carmen account to area land rules drawn and the city total 畫 change more for operating case, and Taiwanese Zhong Shi city total 畫 public design application to 專 case pass Pan 檢 discuss, and product can short built Tsukiji fish market maybe can Shen Office case finish acting process, and Shen Office case description of process, improve built real construction products quality stub added strong site security Tel Aviv o, and effective 執 line built Tsukiji fish market real public security Tel Aviv o, and built institution built Tsukiji fish market real friendly cannot barrier Yi Huan border, and place told real whole Qi of street area total 畫, and equivalent of 極 push begins to tech Office Social Club Med residential,.