Hello Dominique Sorry, I see today to read you message, let me thank you very much, I'm sorry I didn't send to your birthday cake, this year you have the opportunity to come to Guangzhou, I p to celebrate your birthday with you,May mother Mary and father bless and protect you, your family and friends forever. Please stay safe and please take care of yourself. Has a lot of courage, all you meet! Real peace to all you meet, enjoy pure and beautiful life, give and receive true love all you meet! May you have a beautiful, happy and good weekend. I hope you, your family and friends are happy, happy, happy Christmas and a happy new year!!! Please take care and stay safe!! RR wisdom and strength God has given you and fill you with the Holy Spirit Gospel, Jesus Christ loves you On January 1, I went to Hunan's Chenzhou city, tourist attractions, 3rd back home, Happy new year Joanlin