Cellulose insulation is done to separate the cellulose and non-cellulose components such as lignin, hemicellulose, and<br>pectin. On the particle size of the material used will be very influential in the extraction process, which will ultimately<br>increase the amount of lignin and released hemicellulose. This study uses a durian peel with a particle size of 60 mesh,<br>because the smaller the particle samples extracted the higher the yield of cellulose obtained. Durian peel powder<br>extraction using durian peel powder with a water content of 4.8% and a basic compound, ie 10% NaOH solution with a<br>ratio of durian peel and NaOH 10% (w / v) of 1:10, 1:15, and 1:20 with time soaking for 24 hours to determine the yield<br>of cellulose to be obtained. 10% NaOH is used to dissolve the non-cellulosic materials contained in durian peel such as<br>lignin, pectin, and hemicellulose. The immersion process is necessary because the durian peel lignocellulose compounds<br>composed of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. These three components are held together tightly to each other as a<br>result of the amorphous structure and β-1,4 glycoside bond in the cellulose and the lignin between cellulose chains<br>(Melisa et al, 2014). The precipitate results delignification process, such as cellulose compounds. Lignin remaining cause<br>brown color. ...