Volunteers, and name is predefined workers. is a help people of, non-profit sexual of acts. not for interests paid, active assumed up social responsibility of a altruistic acts and dedication themselves of time and spirit of personal. students thought active, acts radical, educated and reasonable. students volunteers as volunteers service in the of a most, its basic situation is social civilization of signs, has is high of research value.
in reality situation in the, students participate in volunteers activities is is for various of motives consider. Survey data shows that mainly there are 16 kinds of motivation of current college students ' participation in volunteer operations, first of all,Motivation of college students ' participation in volunteer action is not a single, and in General reflect a wide range of features. As a activity of prosocial behavior, its larger considerations of motive is altruism and social responsibility. To building social experiences, meet people, improve ourselves and mining potential, makes life more meaningful ... ... Even more motivation. But at the same time there are also many do not want to participate in the volunteer activity motive. "The activities of formalism" doesn't make too much sense, on their own, cannot get anything ... ... Visible treated college students volunteering opportunities for a variety of reasons.
This article is divided into six parts.Introduction to the first part, focuses on the theoretical and practical significance, as well as the main research question of this article. Draw of the second part is the relevant concept, centres on social cognitive theory and the concept of college student volunteers for analysis. Third part is the deed of bandura's social cognitive theory into the relevance of college student volunteers. Part of motivation of college students ' participation in volunteer activities and issues-from BANDURA's social cognitive theory-based analysis. Part v is based on the actual situation of college students ' participation in volunteer, cognitive analyses do not want to participate in the volunteer-oriented. Part VI, relevant recommendations.
This paper, analysis based on BANDURA's social cognitive theory treats the volunteer view for college students. In other less than there have been similar studies in the literature.