运气  目前是非常辛劳困难的时候,进退两难,只有忍耐,按部就班,才可排除困难。最好多跟长辈商量,谨慎行事为妙。希望  无法达成。财运  得不的英文翻譯

运气 目前是非常辛劳困难的时候,进退两难,只有忍耐,按部就班,才可排

运气 目前是非常辛劳困难的时候,进退两难,只有忍耐,按部就班,才可排除困难。最好多跟长辈商量,谨慎行事为妙。
希望 无法达成。
财运 得不到。
经商 现在虽然很难很苦但能忍耐撑一段时间,将来会大吉大利。但多半不到结果就半途而废。
就业 不会立刻就找到。
转业 不利。最好现在再忍耐一下就可成功。
恋爱 不会成功。男女都没有什么情感。
结婚 沟通不好,会有纠纷而再延后。
等人 不会来。
旅行 绝对不行。万一出去则在富地会发生不幸。
诉讼 很难解决,最好和解了事。
事件 着急则会把事扩大,要花时间。
生病 很重,该多加注意。
考试 还没有实力。
遗失 多半在家里,可能在什么东西下面。
离家 想要到远方去,却拿不定主意,趁此机会赶快设法为妙。
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
When luck was now very hard difficulty, dilemma, just bear, step by step, before we can overcome all difficulties. Better consult with elders, caution is wonderful.Hope could not be reached.Wealth is not.Business now, although it is difficult to be bitter but patient support for some time, good luck in the future. No results but most give up halfway.Employment is not immediately found.Job bad. Best now, bear with it successfully.Love will not succeed. Men and women have no emotion.Bad marriage communication, there will be disputes delayed again.And others will come.Travel is absolutely impossible. Unfortunately happens should go out in the field.Litigation is difficult to solve, the best reconciliation.Anxious will to expand, it will take time.Very sick, pay attention.Still had no power.Lost most at home, might be something here.Want far away from home to go to, but uncertain, take this opportunity to quickly try to better.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Luck is very hard now difficult time, a dilemma, only patience, step by step, be corrected by difficulties. Best to consult with the elders, caution is wonderful.
Hope can not be reached.
Not wealth.
Although it is difficult to do business now bitter but can tolerate hold for some time, the future will be good luck. But mostly the result is less than halfway.
Employment is not immediately found.
Unfavorable jobs. Now bear with me the best you can be successful.
Love will not succeed. Men and women have no emotion.
Marriage communication is not good, there will be disputes and they branch after.
Others will come.
Travel absolutely not. In case out in the Fortune unfortunate happens.
Litigation is difficult to solve, the best reconciliation trouble.
The event will be to do things in a hurry to expand, it takes time.
Heavy illness, the more attention.
Examination has not strength.
Most lost at home in what may be the following.
Far away from home you want to go, but could not decide, take the opportunity to quickly try for the better.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
运气目前是非常辛劳困难的时候进退两难只有忍耐按部就班 , , , , 最好多跟长辈商量谨慎行事为妙才可排除困难 . , .希望无法达成 .财运得不到 .经商现在虽然很难很苦但能忍耐撑一段时间将来会大吉大利 , . 但多半不到结果就半途而废 .就业不会立刻就找到 .转业不利 . 最好现在再忍耐一下就可成功 .恋爱不会成功 . 男女都没有什么情感 .结婚沟通不好会有纠纷而再延后 , .等人不会来 .旅行绝对不行 . 万一出去则在富地会发生不幸 .诉讼很难解决最好和解了事 , .事件着急则会把事扩大要花时间 , .生病很重该多加注意 , .考试还没有实力 .遗失多半在家里可能在什么东西下面 , .离家想要到远方去却拿不定主意趁此机会赶快设法为妙 , , .
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